Interdisciplinary research network
Vision Ukraїne:
Education, Language, Migration
Our mission: to revise the knowledge about Ukraine in German-language academic, media and public discourse.
Vision: development of evidence-based strategies in the fields of educaton, language and migraton
Our objectives: Research, Knowledge transfer, Networking, Support for young researchers, Information
- To create an academic space for interdisciplinary exchange on migration and remigration,
education and language, restructuring of Ukrainian-German relations, and contribution to the
reconstruction of Ukraine. - Research on topics related to Ukraine with Ukrainians as partners in international cooperation
- Maintaining long-term scientific interest in Ukraine and building sustainable structures
- Equal participation in knowledge creation in the scientific discourse
Knowledge transfer - Dissemination of research results in academic circles and in public discourse
- Initiation of dialogue and cooperation with educational institutions and NGOs; exchange of
- Creating an academic space for interdisciplinary exchange on migration and remigration, education
and language - Building international cooperation in research and its practical application
- Integrating different expertise to develop joint projects
Support for young researchers - Academic support for young researchers
- Counselling, mentoring and workshops
Informaton - Informing about relevant publications and Call for papers
- Conferences, master classes